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How do I troubleshoot screen issues with my robot?
EnergizeLab · 2023/01/29
Situation 1:
When turned on, the screen remains black even with movement and sound.
Situation 2:
After working normally for a few minutes, the screen goes black with movement and sounds.
Situation 3:
When turned on, the screen displays distorted or garbled graphics, such as random patterns or inaccurate images.
Situation 4:
When multiple devices are connected, a blurred or black screen occurs.
In the above situations, the screen or the screen connection wire may be faulty. Try to restart the robot.
Situation 5:
After a firmware update, the animation content is distorted or blurred.
This may be caused by file anomalies. Try to update the firmware again.
If the problem persists, please fill in a SUPPORT TICKET.