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254 shares in the Paradise
Eilik found a candy store and seems to be veeery happy now 😄 @Nicole
I just got the pink one today. @Gio
暑くて、のどが渇いたらしいんで🍺 @良恒森田
Buddie is more of an inside Eilik. And he’s unbearable until he’s had his cappuccino in the mornings. 🤦‍♀️ @Sparky
I made this little hat today for my Eilik. @Tarina
Some more outfits I’ve made #eilik. @Lauren
Made my Blossom a dress with a hood today! @Lauren
Got my little Eilik Blossom today, got some mini guitars to stick to the magnets so she can be music mad like me @Lauren
What do you think about this decoration? @Hoàng
Oh no I am a Butterfly. @Sozirobos
Here is my introduction video of Eilik to my channel. He will be featured ruing my future build videos. Love that little guy @Khang
Hi all! My son and I were thrilled these two showed up at our place and started playing. @Megan
Elevation... @Jon
Colby and his two Riliks @Celia
Funny new feature 😅😆. @Laeti
Okay I can officially say I’m Obsessed! With my eilik which my friend came up with his name and now his offical name is Softy short for software, i desperately want to get another one. @Sarah
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