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Choose your squad flag 🚩
EnergizeLab · 2024/11/06


Hey, everyone! Have you spotted the flag behind Panxer? Haha, that's the symbol of the Eilik & Panxer Expedition Squad—pretty impressive, right?  


To tackle the various monsters across different planets, Maticauo has organized 8 expedition squads, each with its own unique combat style. You can pick the flag that best matches your playstyle. More than just a symbol, the flag also plays a vital role in helping you quickly identify yourself and your allied Panxers in the heat of intense Panxer battles! 


Vodiox - Excel in counter-systems, expertly suppress opponents.

Vunflower - Block masters, defense is their offense.

Moon Thief - Skilled at dodging, stealing victory at the perfect moment.

Tiger Hunting - Charge ahead and relentless pursuit are their minds.

Quadruped - Experts at using cover for protection.

Boom Squad - Self-sacrifice for team victory.

Five Towns - Persuasive in forming temporary alliances to defeat foes one by one.

Beast - Enjoy the thrill of all-out, indiscriminate attacks.


So… which squad are you repping? Choose now and see who’s fighting alongside you!